Step 1: Please complete the application form
Step 2: To assure your participation we ask you to transfer the course fee to the following bank account:
Bank: “Österreichische Postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft”
Bank address: Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Wien, Austria
Account holder: Dr. Norbert Fock, Prof. Dr. Hannes Traxler
Account number: 00083179697
IBAN: AT486000000083179697
Step 3: As soon as you have tranferred the course fee, we will send you a confirmation of registration.
Registration Deadline: 60 days before the start of the course
Payment Deadline: 50 days before the start of the course
Cancellation Fees:
– € 500.- up to 60 days before the start of the course
– € 1500.- up to 30 days before the start of the course
– from 14 days onwards, the full price will be retained